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- Documentation Manual For:
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- S E A R C H F O R T H E C O L O R S T O N E S
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- Press F1 for help
- Copyright (1995)
- William D. Rinehart
- E-Mail: WDaveR2@aol.com
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- C O N T E N T S
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- 1 - Notes from the Programmer
- 2 - How to play
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- N O T E S F R O M T H E P R O G R A M M E R
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- G-QUEST requires a VGA monitor and at least 394 Kb of
- free memory to run. See your DOS documentation for assistance
- on optimizing memory usage.
- G-QUEST is distributed through the Shareware concept.
- The author is willing to give this program to you, free of
- charge, in the hopes that you will like it enough to purchase
- the "Deluxe Edition". The essence of this distribution method
- is to provide personal computer users with quality software
- without high prices. Shareware provides an outstanding service
- to computer users, but will only continue as long as the people
- who write these programs are supported. Even if you don't order
- the "Deluxe Edition", you can help the author by sharing this
- program with anyone you think will enjoy it.
- If you enjoy playing G-QUEST, you should consider
- purchasing G-stones III - Deluxe Edition. The price is just
- $19.95 and will license one Deluxe Edition copy for use on any
- one computer at any one time.
- Several options are available for placing your order:
- - WWW Online URL:
- http://www.axxis.com/software/rinehart
- - E-Mail:
- rinehart@axxis.com
- - Phone orders:
- (801) 523-8221
- - FAX orders:
- (801) 576-5663
- - Mail orders:
- Send registration payment of $19.95 (US) to:
- William D. Rinehart
- P.O. Box 891424
- Houston, TX 77289
- E-Mail, FAX & mail orders should use the file "ORDER.FRM", which
- should have been included with this game. Phone orders should
- provide all information on the form.
- Users of G-QUEST must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
- "G-QUEST is supplied as is. The author disclaims all
- warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation,
- the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any
- purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or
- consequential, which may result from the use of G-QUEST."
- Shareware distributors can receive a "certified authentic" copy
- of the G-QUEST by sending the author a self addressed,
- stamped envelope and $1.00 (to cover handling & the price of the
- disk). Thanks for your support!
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- H O W T O P L A Y
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- To start G-QUEST from the DOS command line:
- 1. Change directories to the directory which has the file
- GEMQ.EXE in it.
- 2. Type "GEMQ" and press enter.
- See your Windows documentation for information on installing programs
- in Program Manager.
- Select "Information" from the Main Menu for a description of how to
- play this game.
- Within G-QUEST, pointing devices have
- the following keyboard equivalents:
- Joystick button 1 = Left mouse button
- Joystick button 2 = Right mouse button
- Left mouse button = <ENTER> or <Y> (YES)
- Right mouse button = <ESC> or <N> (NO )
- Move left = Left arrow key
- Move right = Right arrow key
- Move forward = Up arrow key
- Move back = Down arrow key
- The main menu offers nine options:
- Information
- This option will bring up several screens of information about the
- game, how to play and how to order the "Deluxe Edition".
- Start a new game
- This option will initiate a new game. The player will be prompted
- for the player's name.
- Resume current game
- This option will allow a game in progress to be resumed. While a
- game is in progress, press <ESC> to exit to the main menu.
- Adjustments to game/mouse speed can be made, and the game can be
- resumed from where it was left.
- Save game
- This option will save a game that is in progress. A window will
- appear for selection of one of ten slots to save to. The entire
- game state is saved. Beware that this information is not written
- to disk until the game is exited, so be sure not to reboot the
- computer until you have exited the program!
- Restore game
- This option will restore a saved game. A window will appear for
- selection of one of ten slots to save to. The entire game state
- is saved. Beware that this information is not written to disk
- until the game is exited, so be sure not to reboot the computer
- until you have exited the program!
- View high scores
- This option will display the high score records.
- Adjust mouse speed
- Select this option to change the mouse setting. Three speeds are
- available.
- Sound options
- This menu allows the selection of three possible sound settings
- (Sound card, PC speaker or No sound).
- Quit G-QUEST
- Select this option so exit from the program.
- ■ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ■
- G-stones III is another shareware game by the author of G-QUEST:
- *** G-stones III *** VGA Breakout ***
- A unique & challenging breakout style game.
- Up to 6 players with individual difficulty settings,
- 3 levels of difficulty, 43 types of bitmapped gems,
- 11 bitmapped backgrounds, as many as 4 moving balls at a time,
- 5 levels per game (20 registered), adjustable game speed,
- adjustable mouse speed, sound card support, and background music.
- The following is an excerpt from the G-STONES III Documentation Manual:
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- Copyright (1994)
- William D. Rinehart
- G-stones III requires a VGA monitor and at least 554 Kb of
- free memory to run.
- G-stones III introduces the random level concept. This
- multiplies the challenge of the game since you never know what
- level will be next. You will find yourself asking, "Should I
- use my last excavator on this level, or will I need one for the
- next". This keeps the game interest level high.
- The object of G-stones III is to clear all the gems on the
- screen and advance thru all the levels. The raw and processed
- gems are the only gems required to be removed before the player
- is advanced. With some clever paddle control, the other gems
- can be used to greatly increase a player's score.
- This section gives a description of the different types of Gems.
- G-stones III is a "Traditional" breakout style game and the
- gems provide unique obstacles which must be couquered on each
- level.
- Gem │ Description
- ■ ─────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────── ■
- Raw & Processed gems These are the only gems that are required
- to be hit to complete a level. These
- gems have different point values, based
- on color.
- Blockers These gems cannot be destroyed, but at
- times they can be moved or made to
- disappear/reappear with switcher gems.
- Switchers Switchers can cause some blockers to
- disappear, reappear or move. Gold
- switchers work on gold blockers, silver
- switchers work on silver blockers and
- stone switchers work on stone blockers.
- Switchers also activate releasers,
- causing them to release any balls caught.
- Multi-Hit These gems must be hit four times to
- completely break them up.
- Add Ball This gem will give the player an
- additional ball. If the player has the
- maximum number of balls, a 10,000 point
- bonus is awarded. This bonus is
- multiplied by the players score
- multiplier.
- Slow Down This gem causes the ball that hits it to
- slow down one speed value. Each ball has
- it's own independent speed.
- Speed up This gem causes the ball that hits it to
- speed up one speed value.
- Goop on Paddle This gem puts sticky goop onto the
- player's paddle. When the ball hits a
- sticky paddle, it will stick to the
- paddle until the player presses <ENTER>
- or the left mouse button. The goop will
- wear off after five uses.
- Paddle Shorter The player's paddle will be reduced in
- width when this gem is hit. There are
- three sizes of paddles.
- Paddle Wider The player's paddle will become wider
- after this gem is hit. If the paddle
- is already as wide as it can be, a 10,000
- point bonus is awarded. This bonus is
- multiplied by the player's score
- multiplier.
- Multiplier Down This gem causes the current player's
- score multiplier to be reduced by one.
- Multiplier Up This gem causes the current player's
- score multiplier to be increased by one.
- If the score multiplier has already
- reached the maximum value of five, a
- 10,000 point bonus is awarded. This
- bonus is multiplied by the player's score
- multiplier (50,000 points!).
- Make Power Ball This gem causes the ball that hits it to
- become a "Power Ball". Power balls
- travel straight through many gems and cause
- double damage to Multi-Hit gems.
- Get Excavator Hitting this gem will earn the player an
- excavator, which can be used any time the
- system power is on. System power is on
- when excavators are orange in color (see
- system power gems below). Activate
- excavators by pressing the space bar. If
- the player has already stored up the
- maximum number of five excavators, a
- 10,000 point bonus is awarded. This
- bonus is multiplied by the player's score
- multiplier.
- Bonus Points These gems are worth 5000 points.
- Moving Ball This gem causes another moving ball to be
- put into play.
- Moving Power Ball This gem causes a moving power ball to
- be put into play.
- Who Knows? Any type of gem can be hidden by this
- type of gem. Hit the gem with the ball
- to find out its true identity.
- Teleporter This gem will transport the ball to one
- of the other Teleporters. The movement
- is very quick, so watch out!.
- Releaser This gem will catch a ball that hits it.
- A new ball will be put into play, just
- like at the beginning of a new level.
- The caught ball will be released when a
- switcher is hit.
- Group Hit Hit all of these types of gems on a level
- to gain a 10,000 point bonus. This bonus
- is multiplied by the player's score
- multiplier.
- Down a Level This gem will take the current player to
- the beginning of the previous level.
- Up a Level This gem terminates the current level,
- and advances the player to the beginning
- of the next level.
- Wall Gems 1 & 2 These gems create a barrier which will
- disappear when all of these gems have
- been hit.
- System Power Hitting this gem will toggle system
- power. The system power state is
- retained from level to level. Excavators
- will not work when system power is off,
- so plan carefully!